No, you can select any depository, but there are depositories that Digital Trust currently holds metals with.
FAQ Category: Self-Directed Investments
What is the difference between segregated storage and non-segregated (commingled) storage for Precious Metals?
Segregated storage is when you choose to store your Precious Metals in a separate vault at the depository storing your metals. There are typically higher fees associated with this storage option. Non-segregated (commingled) storage is when you choose to store your metals in a vault that also holds metals for other customers. Commingled vaults have sub-accounting in place for each customer to ensure appropriate accounting.
Can I contribute Precious Metals I already own to my qualified account?
No. You can only contribute cash to your qualified account with annual contributions or through rollovers or transfers from other qualified accounts.
What happens with income and expenses with an IRA LLC
Because the LLC is the owner of the investment, all income and expenses can go through the business checking account.
Can I take distributions directly from the LLC’s business bank account?
No. That would be considered a prohibited transaction.
Can I invest in real estate through a Limited Partnership (LP) or Limited Liability Company (LLC) with my IRA account?
Yes. Please contact customer service at Digital Trust for information on the procedure to purchase real estate through a corporate entity such as an LP or LLC.
Can my qualified account invest in an LLC or LP that I or a disqualified person owns?
If your qualified account invests in an LLC or LP that you or a disqualified person owns or controls, the investment could be a prohibited transaction.
Can my IRA invest in a newly formed entity (e.g., limited partnership, limited liability company, C corporation, land trust) that will invest in real estate?
Yes. Investments in newly formed private entities are not prohibited under the Internal Revenue Code, with the exception of subchapter S corporations.
Can someone gift me a Mortgage note?
According to the IRS, a Mortgage note must be made for value and cannot be a gift or for free.
Does a Mortgage note need to be for 100% of the property?
No, different percentages can be permitted so long as the note is for more than the amount being borrowed.