Use this document to initiate a purchase of an asset.
Archives: Account Forms
Direction of Investment (Precious Metals)
Use this document to initiate a purchase of precious metals.
Bill Pay Request
Use this document to direct Digital Trust to pay an expense related to an asset held within your account.
Distribution Request (IRA)
Use this document to make a one-time distribution from an IRA account.
Recurring Distribution Request (IRA)
Use this document to establish recurring distributions from an IRA account.
Excess Removal Worksheet
Use this document to remove an excess contribution from an IRA account.
Distribution Request (Individual 401(k))
Use this document to take a one-time distribution from an Individual 401(k) Plan.
Recurring Distribution Request (Individual 401(k))
Use this document to establish recurring distributions from an Individual 401(k) Plan.
Fair Market Valuation Form
This form is used to inform Digital Trust as to the proper Fair Market Value (FMV) of assets held within your self-directed account.
Note: A fair market valuation should be submitted on a yearly basis to ensure proper tax reporting, the distribution of an asset in-kind, or to convert or recharacterize an asset.
Change/Update Contact Information
Use this document to update your contact information on file at Digital Trust.